New Monitor
I hate my current monitor with all of my being. It is very very blurry and hurts your eyes, esp. after playing an MTT for 5 hours. It is my old monitor from an e-machine if that helps explain how it sucks so bad.
I have found a lot of monitors that I like, but will have to have someone tell me if they will work for poker or not...of course they will work, but I have always heard that you have to have 1600x1200 res. to be able to run 4-tables without overlap...I have found plenty of monitors, but that, but just don't like the way they look...I really want this 20" LCD Flat panel by Acer that I found called the F-20 Ferrari...check it out...Acer Ferrari Line...but it has 1680x1050 max. res. which would mean the the 1050 is slightly under the 1200...So will 1680x1050 run 4-tables without over lap, will it be damn close, or not work at all unless it is 1600x1200????? If someone can please help that would be great, you can email me at
Cashed in a $3 rebuy for the first time last night, kinda sucked b/c I went out 145th outta 2300, which is nice, but the profit was minimal, but hey....It was a cash, and that okay with me, but first was 5k and I deserve it more than the guy that got it I guarantee
Again, please help me with information on this monitor situation if you can.