Wednesday, December 07, 2005

F*** the River!

Well, not to much to report about, just a little steaming...We played a last minute home game last night, and it seems all I can do anymore in my home games is get raped! I played played okay last night, but didn't really catch any cards....

My disaster hand was in playing PL Omaha( we were playing dealer's choice, with 4 games)...I had 9c7c9dQh and my oppenent had AAxx with a couple of hearts...Flop came 6 8 x with two hearts, I have open ended draw with an over pair, and he has nut flush draw with best pair....After some he threw a decent bet and I smooth called, the Turn comes a money card, but a blank to him...he shoots out like $5 I think into about a $15 or $20 pot..I consider smooth calling, hoping to draw more money out of hinm, but its Omaha, and decide to come back over the top for another $13 I think to eliminate a call with a draw...he thinks...and thinks...almost folds, and then calls with his AA and his nut flush draw....Of course, he rivers a fucking 2 of hearts and I lose all my money to what I considered to be a bad call, but he had a pretty big stack already, so maybe not too bad...But I just hate the damn river, unless of course I am on the good end, which seems very rare....

I also played in a $11+1 45-player SNG on stars, which for the money and time commitment has a pretty good pay-out....I played excellent the majority of the time and the of course bubbled in 10th place....Im out Late


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